Spreading rumors and promoting to enterprises, police and enterprises jointly build a safety net


Dear employees

In this new era of digitization and informatization, the internet has penetrated into every aspect of our work and life. It provides us with infinite convenience and possibilities, but at the same time, the proliferation and spread of online rumors have brought unprecedented challenges to our businesses. To maintain the reputation of the enterprise and create a good network environment responsibility. Therefore, cracking down on online rumors is our unshirkable obligation.

1、 Improve rumor identification ability

1. Enterprise employees should always remain vigilant about online information and improve their ability to identify rumors. To distinguish right from wrong and not be misled by false information.

2. Understand the common forms, dissemination patterns, and techniques of online rumors, and be familiar with the common tricks of rumor creators in order to better identify and prevent rumors.

2、 Strengthen self-restraint and standardization

1. Enterprise employees should abide by online ethical standards and not participate in spreading rumors, malicious attacks, or spreading rumors. To use the internet in a civilized manner and express one's views and opinions rationally.

2. We should firmly resist and proactively report false information and rumors related to enterprises, and cooperate with relevant departments to investigate and handle them.

3、 Strengthen employee training and education

Regularly conduct training on network literacy and rumor identification skills to enhance employees' understanding and ability to respond to online rumors. At the same time, strengthen the publicity and education of employees on laws and regulations, enhance their awareness of the rule of law and sense of responsibility.

Cracking down on online rumors is a long-term and arduous task that requires continuous efforts and joint promotion from enterprise employees. Only by continuously improving one's own literacy, actively participating in debunking work, regulating online behavior, and strengthening internal and external cooperation can we effectively curb the spread of online rumors and maintain a healthy, harmonious, and stable online environment. Let's join hands and contribute our efforts to cracking down on online rumors and promoting the healthy development of the internet.

Yongkang Public Security Bureau Xiangzhu Police Station kindly reminds:

Don't spread rumors, don't believe rumors, don't fabricate rumors!

The cyberspace is not an lawless place. Please start from yourself, consciously resist online rumors, and jointly create a clear cyberspace. The public security organs will firmly crack down on illegal and criminal acts of fabricating and spreading rumors online that disrupt public order in accordance with the law.